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Sunday, July 5, 2015


Americans across the country have spoken up. We’re sick and tired of a country that only works for the 1%. It’s time to bring the corporate agenda to an end, and it starts with these demands—common-sense policies that would restore the balance for the 99%.

What do you think we need to do to make America work for the other 99%? It’s up to you to make the ninth demand. It’s your opportunity to say what you think will get our country working again.

Support Communities, not Wall Street

  1. Tax Wall Street for gambling with our money. Pass the financial speculation tax.
  2. Support education. Put teachers back in classrooms and ease the crippling burden of student debt.
  3. Keep working families in their homes. Pass a mortgage relief plan that puts the needs of homeowners above the greed of mortgage bankers.
  4. End too big to fail. Rein in the big banks NOW and hold the people who caused the financial crisis accountable.

America Wants to Work

  1. Fair share of taxes from the 1%. End the Bush tax cuts for the 1% and close corporate tax loopholes.
  2. Businesses should invest in jobs. Corporations must stop sitting on their profits and start hiring again here in America.
  3. Extend unemployment insurance. Millions of Americans are still out of work, and unemployment insurance is a vital lifeline.

Restore Democracy

  1. End corporate control of our democracy. Abolish "corporate personhood" and restore full voting rights to real people.


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