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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hey Main Street – Got Your Raise?

Main Street

A project of Working America

Hey Albuquerque – Got Your Raise?

On Monday, June 24, Working America will launch the “Got Your Raise Yet?” campaign to educate Albuquerque workers about the new minimum wage increase that took effect at the beginning of this year. Though the law has passed with overwhelming support, Albuquerque Mayor Richard J. Berry and the City Council have publicly stated that they will not enforce the law, as thousands of low-wage workers continue to struggle. The voter-approved wage increase, raising the hourly wage from $7.50 to $8.50 and $2.13 to $3.83 for tipped employees, positively impacts a total of 40,000 Albuquerque workers.

“Albuquerque voters have spoken. This measure passed with the support of two out of three Albuquerque voters to raise the wage last November,” said Working America State Director Chelsey Evans. “Albuquerqueans understand that increasing the minimum wage isn’t just good for low-wage workers, it’s good for the city’s economy. We are only asking that Mayor Berry and the Albuquerque City Council give their constituents what they have asked for, and enforce this law.”

As part of the effort, Working America organizers will distribute education materials such as tip cards in restaurants where workers are eligible for the raise. These cards will inform workers about the raise and provide them with tools to get more information and share experiences. During the “Got Your Raise Yet?” campaign, organizers and members will also actively pressure the city council and mayor’s office for enforcement through worker testimonials.
Upcoming events include:

  • Worker testimonials at Albuquerque City Council Meeting: Monday, June 24, 2013
  • Workers Clinic to discuss wage theft and workers’ rights: Thursday, June 27, 2013
  • Thank you event to Bernalillo County Commission for raising the minimum wage after the Albuquerque raise passed: Monday, July 1, 2013.
  • Workers’ Fair: Saturday, July 20, 2013
  • Worker testimonials at Albuquerque City Council Meetings: Monday, August 5, and Monday, August 19, 2013
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